What color is that dress after all? Answer: no color

A few days ago, the world was taken by storm by the is-it-a-gold-and-white-or-a-blue-and-black-dress controversy. There have been several explanations of this phenomenon from several different experts (see for example Wired and NYTimes). As far as I can tell these explanations center on two points: The close cropping of the image prevents a person from globally contextualizing the dress. Is the dress drenched in light […]

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Can you read this?

I am hoping that you play my game and try to read the text above. Go ahead and try before you read the answer below. How’d you do? I am betting that you did just fine. Maybe you had some problems with neocortex, or maybe not. Here is the un-substituted text: How did you read the scramble? Are you aware of how you […]

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Autism and the optical gestalt

Can you read this? The first lines are the hardest. So if you have trouble, scroll down a bit. Once you have the hang of it, you probably will have no problem reading it from the start. This is a great example of perception as interpretation. We are not cameras and tape recorders. In the case of vision, we use […]

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